The party mission is to build a modern democratic society through promoting social justice for all Kenyans.
Champion interests of areas still reeling from effects of marginalization and underinvestment and neglect.
Under Frontier Counties Development Council we have seen benefits of lobbying together and have successfully negotiated for huge infrastructure investments.
The United Democratic Movement was formed in 1999 by the rebellious wing of young disgruntled KANU leaders who had differed with President Daniel Arap Moi’s inner core.
The first interim chairman of the party was Fred Amayo, son of former KANU strongman David Okiki Amayo who was a staunch ally of President Moi. The first vice chairman was Abdulrahman Bafadhil and Maurice Rubia was registered as Secretary General. Mr. Yusuf Hassan Mbwana was the first National Treasurer and Mr Charles Gimose the organizing Secretary.
UDM lodged registration papers of the party on January 15 1999. At this time political parties were being registered by Registrar of Societies.
At that time under Section 4(2) of Societies Act Cap 108, the Registrars is required to have acted on the application by UDM within the stipulated 120 days.
Ms. Catherine Kaswi Nyiha was the registrar of societies. On June 30th 1999, she wrote a terse three paragraph letter to the party officials saying the party could not be registered. ” It appears to the Registrar that the interest of Peace , welfare or good order in Kenya are likely to suffer prejudice.”
The registrar was acting contrary to IPPG rules that allowed parties denied registration to file an appeal in High Court.
On July 15, 1999, UDM moves to High Court to Challenge the decision of the registrar not to register the party.
On May 11 2001, High Court declines to register UDM. High Court asks Registrar General to register the party or show reasons why it has declined to register it.
Among the founder members were Kipruto arap KIrwa who Cherangany MP and had accused KANU of being oblivious to the plight of his residents. Kirwa argued KANU had positioned a rival candidate for his constituency seat in 2002.
KANU had positioned Uhuru Kenyatta as its presidential candidate and wanted members loyal to the party to back his bid to succeed President Moi who was set to retire in 2002.
Later the officials moved to court to challenge the decision of the registrar but time was ticking towards the General election.
On May 17th 2001 Registrar General Omondi Mbago told UDM Officials that the Government would rule within a week on whether to register the party or not.
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.
Party Leader
Deputy Party Leader
Deputy Party Leader - Strategy
Governor, Mandera County
Mandera Deputy Governor
Marsabit Governor
Marsabit Deputy Governor
Mandera Senator
Senator, Wajir County
MCA Guticha Ward
MCA Marothile Ward
MCA Derkale Ward
MCA Fino Ward
MCA Gither Ward
MCA Takaba South Ward
MCA Elwak South Ward
MCA Township Ward
MCA Shimbirfatuma Ward
MCA Sankuri Ward
MCA Obbu Ward
MCA Hadado/Athibohol Ward
MCA Garbatulla Ward
MCA Della Ward
MCA East Asembo Ward
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Kwale County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
MCA Rhamu Ward
Nominated MCA Wajir County
MCA Khalalio Ward
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Marsabit County
MCA Neboi Ward
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Mandera County
Nominated MCA Kwale County
MP Mandera North Constituenct
MP Lunga Lunga Constituency
MP Mandera South Constituency
MP Laisamis Constituency
WR Mandera County
MP Mandera West Constituency
Nominated MP
Nominated Senator
Secretary General
Secretary General
Ag National Party Chairperson
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country. UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country. UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country. UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country. UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.
UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country. UDM Kenya Party is an equal opportunity party with elected leaders all over the country.